Sunday, December 19, 2021

Visiting Michele


I woke up early, having slept pretty well. I found the headphones were still on so I shut them off. I went back to sleep. I got up about 9:15. I took some bromelain. I irrigated my sinuses and then brushed and swished. I showered and dressed. I boiled water to make oatmeal for breakfast. I added raisins and cranberries. Afterward I ate an apple. Then I put two water bottles, some apples, and a container of fudgeballs in a cooler.

We got in the Cadillac and headed to Manassas to see Michele. I read more of “The Real Anthony Fauci”. We ran into traffic on i-95 but still got there in about 2 hours. She greeted us at the door wearing an Edwardian blouse and skirt that she had made. While John and Chris talked, she showed me the wardrobe of period-style clothing she had made, mostly by hand. It was impressive. Later the men went to a Guatemalan restaurant to pick up lunch. They came back with 4 styrofoam boxes. Chris had gotten me spicy shrimp, and it was hot. After we ate, I had to go outside to breath until the spiciness went away before I could put my mask back on. We had a nice chat and then Chris indicated it was time to leave.

So we got back in the car and headed to Richmond, but 15-20 minutes later, I realized I had forgotten Cecily's cooler, so we went back to get it. Then on the way back, I fell asleep. When I woke up, Chris was off the hwy because of a backup. We waited at stoplights in town, along with everyone else who was taking the alternate route. Although we left at 3, we did not get back to Damours' until 6:15.

Al was outside grilling chicken. Cecily was finishing up in the kitchen. We sat at the table and said grace. We had chicken, salad, broccoli, and rice. Afterward, Cecily served pecan pie, Chris' favorite. Then we gathered in the den to watched a baking contest and chat. Cecily went to bed. I read my book during commercials. I plastered my arm with vitm C patches. Later Chris went to sleep while I caught up with posting to my blog. Then I too went to bed.

* Some of her favorite books *

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