Saturday, December 11, 2021

The quickest filling ever


I woke up in the middle of the night. After going to the bathroom, I could not sleep. Mostly because of hot flashes. I stayed in bed until 8. I asked Chris about the roads, then texted the dentist that I was coming because the roads looked ok.

Chris and I got into a discussion. Then he took a shower and packed the cooler. We discussed all the way to Tooele. We stopped to watch a dozen deer run across the road. When we got to Tooele, we shopped at Luckeys' then he dropped me off at the dentist' office. I waited a little, then was taken back. The asst said the decay under the compromised filling was small and might not need numbing. She set me up with nitrous oxide and Netflix with headphones. The nitrous seemed overwhelming but she said it was really low. The dentist gave me shot in my jaw, then left while it took effect. He came back to drill and replace the filling. The drilling took longer than the filling. Although I felt nothing, the sound made me cringe. And then it was over. I asked him to look at tooth 19 - the reason I cannot chew on the left. He had the latest x-ray and said it looked fine, no cracks. I mentioned a few other teeth and they looked fine too. I went to the front to pay, then asked him why the filling failed in less than ten years. He said composite fillings only last 5 years or so. I could hardly believe that all fillings have to be replaced that often.

Chris was waiting in the parking lot. We went to Melanie's then to a Catholic church. The priest comes to post every Wednesday to say Mass. Apparently he told Chris to stop in sometime. Chris thought it would be quick, but it lasted an hour or more. The priest served tea and a snack. I could not eat the snack even if I wanted to. I was afraid to chew on the right because of numbing, and on the left because of tooth 19.

Eventually we went home. I hoped the numbing would be gone, but it was worse. The dentist must have given me a lot. I read e-mail for awhile, then at 4 decided that I could eat a banana without chewing much. I had to go through all my different contact lists to find out who agreed to mind the swap shop tomorrow. Then I looked for clues on the Dugway Facebook page. Finally I found the name and texted her for confirmation.

I drove to Jenni's house and waited for her to come out. Then Diane joined us and we walked our usual mile. It was extra cold but only half my face could feel it. Then I came home. I heated goat milk to 180, then added lemon juice and vinegar. I guess I stirred too much because the curds were really small. I poured it through a sprout bag and left the contents to drip.

By then the numbing wore off. There was no residual discomfort at all. I ate meat and vegetables. I listened to a video while processing through telegram messages. When Chris was ready, I made tea and we watched four episodes of BBT. Then I downloaded 70 pics from my phone and cropped them. I typed up today's events and posted for yesterday.

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