Sunday, December 5, 2021

Shopping Day


I had trouble sleeping last night. Chris fell asleep at his computer and came to bed in the wee hours of the morning. I got up when he got up. I washed dishes in the sink and wiped the countertops. I listened to more of episode 2 of Covid Revealed:

Moderna was started with Darpa money. (German govt funded BioNtech.) Corners were cut for OWS. The products were only marketed to gov'ts. Dr. Malone was working on repurposed drugs for treatment because creating a properly tested vaccine would take too long. Virus doesn't cause the disease. It's your body's immune response that causes the symptoms. Spike protein affects Cox2 to create a hyperinflammatory response. He warned the FDA, but they decided it wasn't a cause for concern. Then he learned that the spike protein was cytotoxic. They engineered a two-amino-acid mutation in the vaccine spike proteins, but it turned out to be ineffective for the response they wanted. He has not seen evidence that the created spike is less toxic as the wild spike. Other things can go wrong that were never tested for. The form that was tested was not the form that was distributed. So we have no real info on how much protein the body makes, where it is being made, and for how long. They did not rigorously follow the patients who got the product. Standard norms like for other vaccines were overlooked this time. As someone who designs trials for a living, he noted that the assays were crude and did not distinguish between helpful antibodies and unhelpful ones. There are many different categories of antibodies. Covid infection and injection both affect t-cells, b-cells, nk cells, and we are not looking at all of that.

Dr. Kruse: A doctor, in order to show his staff that the polio vaccine was good, injected his grandson and grand daughter in front of them. His grandson died in a week and the girl came down with a mild case of polio. Dr Kruse looked up the Cutter Incident. Polio vaccine was so difficult to grow that they had to grow it in monkey kidney cell medium, so it was contaminated with SV 40 (and others), which causes many kinds of cancer. FDA buried that info. Every tissue sample of mesothelioma tested for SV-40 came back positive. Pfizer vaccine approved is same at EUA one, but is legally distinct so they cannot be sued by people who got the EUA labeled one thinking they are getting the approved one. Vaccines were brought in for passports, biometric Ids, digital currency, to track and trace the population and everything they do. Benjamin Rush was arguing for a medical tyranny amendment to the Constitution, but Jefferson could not imagine how it could be needed. Dr. Kruze is not anti-vax, he is anti-THIS vax. When people like Bernice Eddy and Robert Malone are fired, great knowledge is lost. The goal of both Kissenger and Schwab is one-world government and socialism. Joseph Goebbels taught us that if you can't question science, then it is propaganda. Printing money (by the govt) is legalized counterfeiting, stealing from the tax payer. We have centralized medicine now, whereas decentralized medicine (and money) would be better.

Chris went to the office. I made breakfast and ate it while watching more interviews. I looked up my Swanson orders to find out what kind of magnesium I ran out of. I raked up a box of leaves. While Chris argued with the bank over their new policy not to accept cash deposits, I did a load of cleaning cloths and dried them. I went over the shopping list while Chris packed the cooler. We stopped at his office to get swap shop flyers.

We went to Tooele, stopping at all the usual places. I forgot to use cash. But on the way back we stopped at the commissary and I used cash there. Then we went to the post office. Chris came out with a pile of boxes and mail. We went home and put the food away. I had steak for supper and Chris ate his pizza from yesterday. I listened to Polly and Mary. They said Omicron has been around for over a year and no one has died yet.

I heated some steak for supper. I wrote my blog post and tried to post pic, but what came out was a circle with a minus sign in the middle. Chris tried to fix it or find a way around it, but it must have been a bug on the blogger website. I made tea and we watched The picture of Dorian Gray from Netflix. I brushed my teeth, checked e-mail and telegram, tried to post again, and went to bed.

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