Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Lack of planning on her part does not constitute an emergency on my part


It was a long night. I got up and swung my arms around to increase circulation in my hands. I checked the router and it was still on so I turned it off. I put on a blend of essential oils for sleep and went back to bed.

In the morning, I got up thinking it was 7:30, but it was 8:30. I finished washing the Berkey and reassembled it. I hunted down a speaker for my laptop. But it wasn't louder than the built-in one. I put on the headphones and the 20 ft cord. I listened to the next episode while making seed crackers.

The mRNA studies were not designed to measure transmission or infection, only severity of symptoms. The vaccines were said to be 95% effective at reducing symptoms in people who got infected, but very few people actually got infected in the study, so it gave people the wrong impression. Flu stats took a nosedive during 2020. Only study our gov't did on hydroxychloroquine used known-to-be-lethal doses instead of the lower doses shown to be effective.

Dr Paul Alexander: He was on Trump's pandemic response team. They looked at the science on lockdowns and school closures. The science said such were ineffective and harmful but the team didn't listen. A study of vaccinated and unvaccinated in Israel showed double vaccinated were at greater risk of infection, hospitalization and death than unvaccinated. But FDA and CDC would not listen. PSA's on obesity and vitamin D would have saved a lot of lives. Trump listened to Fauci, but should have listened to Atlas. That caused vast amounts of collateral damage. Study showed that no spread from child to child, rather adults spread it to children. No deaths out of two million school children in Sweden, even without lockdowns or masking.

I started baking the seed crackers. Chris came home around 10 to meet the cable guy. He had to download an app on his phone to set up the new router and modem. When the crackers came out, I mixed up oatmeal, bananas, and an egg. I made two batches of cookies and it only used up one bunch of bananas. Sigh. I made breakfast and ate it while watched more of the episode.

I got an e-mail from the company who designs unmanned aircraft, saying they needed me to clean the house they maintain, even if it was during the workday. So I called Jamie and she agreed to meet me there later. I got some cleaning supplies together and went over to check out what needed to be done. I put the sheets in the washer and got started in the kitchen. When Jamie got there, she worked on the bathrooms. One of the men came by to pick up something, then left. We continued cleaning. At 3, I went to the MR house for the final inspection. It passed! I went back to the company house. After Jamie left, I vacuumed up baking soda from the mattresses, and made the beds with clean sheets. I swept and mopped the bedrooms, then left.

I went home, changed my shoes, and met Jenni for a walk. It was almost 5:30. I gave her some cleaning slime and a container of crushed egg shells for her garden. I went home for supper and listened to the bonus interview: children's noses protect them from covid and the spike protein, but not from injection. The Prep Act was amended to specifically mention Covid 19 and that hospitals are immune to liability IF they follow the CDC protocol exactly. So they are unwilling to give Vit C or other effective treatments that are not on the CDC protocol.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Broadchurch. Then I brushed my teeth and worked on my blog post.

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