Friday, January 21, 2022

Freezing fog advisory


I got up at 7:30. I took some coconut charcoal. I made coffee, then exercised, brushed and swished. I read a few pages from The Real Anthony Fauci: people in NIAID who investigated bad practices and reported on them did not last long there.

I meditated and tapped. I scrubbed the burner bowls again and set them to dry. I rinsed off the sugar cane pieces and renewed the water. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris came home for lunch. I vacuumed the den, bathrooms and hallway.

I turned on my laptop. I read about a freezing fog advisory in my area. I have never heard of a freezing fog. I finished listening to episode 9.

At 4:30, I went walking with Jenni. She told me she has no budget for the art classes she teaches at the high school, so she buys supplies out of her own pocket. Afterward, I stopped by the swap shop to lock it up.

I went home for a vacuum and then to Johnnie's house. I cleaned the freezer and some cupboards. I spread bleach on the floor where the grout was dark, then went home. Chris was already home and had the light on for me.

I finished listening to Planet Lockdown, and started episode 10 of Covid Revealed: If we had a live attenuated virus vaccine, we would do much better against the pandemic. I made tea and we watched 4 episodes of Big Bang Theory. I listened to more of episode 10, then went to bed with my mps headphones.

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