Monday, January 10, 2022

The riding mower


During the night, I stretched too hard and hurt my back. I focused on relaxing thoughts, hoping to be able to get up in the morning. Chris got up when his alarm went off, whenever that was. I got up just before 7:30. It was slow, but I did it.

I swished and sat against a heating pad, reading RFK jr's book about Anthony Fauci. Fauci suppressed research suggesting there were better culprits for AIDS than HIV, and there were cheaper, more effective treatments than AZT and its offshoot.

I mended three socks Chris left on my sewing machine. I listened to an interview with a philosopher who said the most pressing current issue isn't about a virus or a vaccine, it is about where our society is headed.

When Chris came back from working out with the colonel, he gave me a coconut oil massage. Then we had a nice relaxing conversation before taking showers and getting dressed. He stripped the bed and did laundry. I made and ate breakfast.

I read e-mail most of the afternoon, then he sat outside and took his shirt off. I cut his hair and left it for the birds. I wore a coat, but he seemed to be ok without his shirt. After he went inside, I cleared out space in the garage for a riding mower. Chris helped. When I realized what time it was, I jumped in the car and went to the school. Diane was there and we walked around the school block twice.

When I got home, I texted Johnnie, and she relayed to Brian that we were ready. He drove his mower over to our garage and parked it. He gave us instructions on how to operate it and mulch leaves. We chatted a bit and he walked home.

Chris cooked shrimp with onions and garlic. I ate that with rice. He also steamed cauliflower, so I ate that with a little spicy salsa. It could have used less. I read articles and signed up for the new Dugway chapel page. They are having an online service only tomorrow.

When I heard the BBT theme music, I made tea and we watched four episodes of BBT. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

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