Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Bread wreaths


I slept well, though not well enough to ignore Reveille at 6:30. I got up a little after 7:30. I took activated charcoal, brushed and swished, washed up and got dressed. I read pages from “The Real Anthony Fauci”. The chapter was about his illegal and unethical testing of toxic AIDS drugs on orphan children, mostly minority. I tried to download a kindle book to my tablet, but it wasn't working. It would not download to my laptop either. I tried to buy silver, but the site did not have my bank on their dropdown menu so I couldn't.

I went to the library, dropped off the book on CD and left quickly. I went to the post office and bought stamps. Then I went to Housing to return the key to the apartment we finished cleaning. Finally I went home to make and eat breakfast.

Chris was home. He told me that the shoppette was having reduced hours because one of their employees tested positive. Also (presumably) that employee has family members who work at the commissary and one other place on post. So more places could be on reduced hours.

I read articles all afternoon. I put ingredients in the bread machine. Then at 4:30 I met Diane at the gym. We did weighted workouts until 5:15, then went home. I took the dough out and shaped it into two braided wreaths. I let them rise in a warm oven, and listened to two nurses discuss vaccine testing. Chris came home from work and made his supper. I put the wreaths in the oven to bake. When they were done, I rubbed them with butter.

We watched four episodes of Big Bang Theory. I wrote and posted to my blog. I put the wreaths in plastic bags and put them in the fridge. I stayed up to listen to episode 1 of Covid Revealed. Then I went to bed.

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