Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Defeat the Mandates rally


I got up around 8, having woken up much earlier and tried to go back to sleep. I took charcoal, washed up and got dressed, brushed my teeth. I listened to a dialogue about circulation. A scoop of beet powder and vit C and rebounding increased circulation and produced sweat.

I tuned into the live roundtable discussion of Covid-19 led by Ron Johnson and leading doctors and scientists. There were also nurses who got to tell what they are seeing in their hospitals. Vaccines don't stimulate production of secretory IGA which is what protects one from an incoming virus. Those with natural immunity do have those Iga and rarely if ever get reinfected. Iodine nasal spray kills the virus in the nose where it replicates. Omicron acts like a live attenuated viral vaccine. The N in N95 means non-oil resistant, but viruses have an oil capsule so the mask doesn't work for them. There are zero RCT showing masks stop transmission of respiratory disease. Covid is a treatable disease. If caught early, outpatient treatments keep people out of the hospital. Myfreedoctor.com has a 99.99 percent survival rate for 150,000 patients. C19early.com lists treatments available. The difference is not which treatment you get, but that you get it early. If we had the proper data safety monitoring boards, the vaccine program would have been shut down in February 2021 for excess deaths. Doctors have been told that if they write an inappropriate exemption, their license is at risk. But 'inappropriate' is not defined. There is no greater contraindication than to have been harmed by a previous dose. To mandate another dose is criminal.

I looked up the document that I had to sign before signing for Johnnie's house. It specified a completion date of February 1st. That made me feel a little better. I made more all-purpose spray, using my tea pot. There must have been some ginger debris in there, because the sprayer stopped working and I had to find another spray bottle.

I drove to Johnnie's house with a box. I put the left behind food in there. I cleaned out those cabinet shelves. I worked on the stove and the dishwasher. I thought dishwashers were self-cleaning. I put the burners in the dishwasher and ran it. I finished the walls and window tracks in the livingroom and diningroom.

At noon I went home for breakfast. I listened to more of the roundtable: miscarriage increased by 300% and cancer the same over 5 year average. 1000% increase in neurological problems. Cases of myocarditis in VAERS are going down, which means someone is deleting reports. Chris came home for lunch. He brought me a filled form for getting a new Dugway ID.

At 2 I went back to cleaning. I worked on the hallway and middle bedroom. Jamie called to say she would come help tomorrow and Wednesday. Also a man called to say he was inspecting all the rooms in the mall (post office complex) and he saw something at the swap shop that he wanted. I told him to take anything he wanted.

At 4:30 I went home to call Jenni. She was up for walking, so I met her and we walked the usual mile. Then I came home and listened to the first part of the roundtable that I had missed. Chris came home and made his supper. I made mine. I read other e-mail while listening.

I posted to my blog. I made tea and we watched one episode of Columbo. It was quite long. I fell asleep at the end. Chris covered me up, played on his laptop for awhile, then went to bed. Later, I got up, turned off the router and got ready for bed.

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