Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Year's Day


I got up after hearing the 8:30 alarm. I irrigated my sinuses and gargled with the same recipe. I brushed and swished. I read e-mail. I went through my texts and sent them a Happy New Year message. That started several conversations.

I got a text from Jamie about meeting at the swap shop. I got dressed and bundled up warmly. My car started right up. Chris had shoveled it out yesterday, so I was able to head right out to the shop. Jamie was there looking around and putting away stuff she had brought. She gave me the keys. I looked around, too. When we left, I locked up. We agreed to meet on Tuesday to finish cleaning the apartment.

I went home. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. We snuggled and took showers. I listened to something, then made and ate breakfast. I called Faye to see how her mammogram went. No cancer or infection found. It was a bright snowy sunny day. Diane was going to walk with me, but then she canceled. Jenni was in SLC. So I walked by myself. It was so cold I had to put my mask on to protect my cheeks.

When I got back, I lstened to Dr. Tenpenny talk about the dangers of the spike protein. I opened the small present that Saronna's daughter gave me. It was a small Mormon bible. Hmmm.

I answered e-mail, then looked at the new cleaning regs. It talked about using approved disinfectants. So I looked them up and also DIY ones. I use hydrogen peroxide anyway and a weak bleach spray should work, too. I made tea and kept reading the contract.

We watched the first two episodes of season 3 of Lost in Space. I guess we didn't remember where season 2 left off because we were lost for a bit. Afterward, Chris checked the sheets and put them back in the dryer for another run. I put my folded clothes away. I posted to my blog. I watched a music video from the 80's called “Cathy don't go to the supermarket today”. A very catchy tune. It looked very like what's going on today. I turned on the water in the bathroom faucets because the overnight low was going to be 2, and went to bed.

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