Friday, January 14, 2022

Facilities Maintenance Manager


I did not hear Reveille. Either I slept through it, or had my earbuds in. I got up just before the 7:30 alarm went off. I prepared for a coffee and meditation morning. I put on the CD lineup. I read a few pages of The Real Anthony Fauci. After all the tapping, I cleaned the bathrooms and started on the kitchen.

Chris came home for lunch and had a package from the post office. He wanted to know when I became the facilities maintenance manager. There was a catalog addressed to me as the FMM. I thought about and decided that that description was rather apt for what I do around here. I finished the kitchen, vacuumed the den, livingroom, hallway and bedroom. Then I cleaned out the dust cup and washed all the parts except for the big filter.

I took a shower and got dressed. I walked to the post office to leave some things in the swap shop and lock it back up. I set my timer for an hour. I jotted notes for my blog and read e-mail. When the timer rang, I went to the library to return BBT season 10 and get season 11. I also picked out a book on CD for our Friday trips. I had a nice chat with Melissa.

I came home and listened to the second part of episode 2. But it ended abruptly at 6. So I clicked the link for episode 3. I listened to most of the first part of that. I got an e-mail saying the company house is going to be inspected next week and that I should clean it to inspection standards. I replied that I didn't have enough time, but I would do my best. Then I made tea and we watched four episodes of BBT. I brushed my teeth and went back to Telegram messages and episode 3.

Take Bifidobacterium to prepare for vaccination. WHO said in June to stop asymptomatic testing. It generates false positive case counts. Covid-19 is the singular cause of death in only 10% of cases.

Around 11:30 I paused it and got ready for bed.

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