Monday, January 31, 2022

Cleaning the apartment, finally


In the middle of the night, the fire alarm started beeping again. My headphones muted it, but then they shut off due to low battery power. Just as I decided it was pinata time, Chris got up and did something to shut it off. We went to sleep. Later I woke up because my thumb and first two fingers were numb. I rubbed and rubbed but circulation would not come back. I thwacked them and rubbed my forearm. All of a sudden the warmth flooded back. I wondered if I had been exposed to someone recently jabbed. Eventually I went back to sleep, but it happened again. Again, I had trouble restoring circulation. I got up and looked for niacin to induce a flush, but all I had was niacinamide. I put beet powder in water and drank that. I hunted down my blood oxygen meter and checked each finger. The middle finger was low. Actually that hand was low. I was surprised that each finger was different. I tried breathing aviator's oxygen and looked at videos about it online. I jumped on my rebounder.

I listened to more of the QnA with Dr. Ealy: Glutathione, egg yolks, nac, l-argenine, and phosphatidylcholine to reduce inflammation of spike protein. NAC or liposomal glutathione to raise glutathione in the body. Serropeptase breaks down spike proteins. Biffidobacterium deficiency among those who had the worst symptoms of covid. No injection or nutraceutical can confer immunity. It comes from within.

Sources of Omega 3: mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, herring, oysters, sardines, anchovies, caviar, flaxseeds, chiaseeds, walnuts, eggs, grassfed meats, hemps seeds, spinach, brussels sprouts.

Chris went to gym. I was waiting for the temp to get above freezing. But Jamie called. She was at Johnnie's house. We talked and agreed to go to the next house and check it out. I got dressed and met her at there. It was in really good shape and I felt bad having charged him so much, but it was sight-unseen. We went back to Johnnie's house. We loaded up most of the stuff into our cars. Some of it went to my house. We looked around yard, noting drip systems that Brian must have put in. I removed the cable in the dining room. Then I left it to Jamie to do a walk-through and see if we left anything or forgot anything.

I went home for breakfast. Chris had fallen asleep after coming home from the gym. At 2:30, I went to the company apartment. I started cleaning the bathroom. I put the sheets in a communal washing machine, then cleaned in the kitchen. I soaked the hood filters and burner bowls (all of which were caked in grease) in hot water with ammonia. I kept ducking out to check the washer but it just wouldn't finish. I wiped the top of the machine. Finally at 4:15 it finished and I put the sheets in the dryer. I cleaned until 4:25, then called Jenni. She didn't answer, but I drove over there anyway. She was standing with Evelyn and we walked around the block.

I went back to rescue the sheets, which dried in less than an hour. But the towels weren't quite dry. So I finished up the kitchen and vacuumed the bedroom (only room) and dressed the bed. I hung the dry towels and cleared the apartment, another 40 minutes.

I went home for supper. Chris put fish in the oven and gave me a coconut oil massage. We showered, then I ate supper, while he washed the sheets. I read articles till 8. I made tea and we watched an episode of Columbo. Afterward, we dressed the bed with clean sheets. I read articles about the convoy of trucks going to Ottawa. I drew up an invoice for all the cleaning I did for the company in January, then went to bed.

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