Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year's Eve


It was really late when I went to bed last night. My pillow was in the orange suitcase and I would have had to turn on the light to find it, so I used a different one but it was too hard. I tried one from the guest room and it was ok but I had trouble falling asleep. It did not help that the blankets kept shifting towards Chris. I put on my robe and eventually slumbered.

We got up about 8, though I was awake before that. I noticed that my eyes were red. They were red before our trip to Richmond, not red in Richmond, but the red is back now. I felt more energetic in Richmond, too. What is it about this place?

I took some betaine, then made a hydrogen peroxide nasal rinse and irrigated my sinuses and throat. It must have snowed overnight and I took pics of the landscape. Chris said we were sliding on the road to Dugway. But all I noticed was the fishtailing we did on Dugway.

I finished watching The Highwire. Del was interviewing G. Edward Griffin, who had interviewed a ex-KGB defector, Bezmenov, in 1984. What Bezmenov warned us about is coming true now. Collectivism (the individual can be sacrificed for the good of the society) is the danger to our democracy. He says there is no where else (than America) to defect to. If we don't stand for liberty and freedom here, it won't be found anywhere else.

Then Dr. Fleming, cardiologist and lawyer, said that the spike protein was made in the Wuhan lab as a bioweapon. So an injection of mRNA into people to make their bodies produce the spike protein, is therefore a bioweapon.

I made seed crackers and left them in the oven to crisp up. I made and ate breakfast. We went to the post office to pick up a pile of mail and two packages. I made a grocery list, and we went to Tooele. Listening to the book on tape along the way, I was nearly asleep when we got to Luckys. After shopping there, we went to Melanies. I paid cash for those items. Then we went to Macey's. When we came out, there was a snowstorm. The flakes were like pellets that bounced off the parking lot.

Chris drove us home, and thankfully there was no snow accumulation in the mountain pass. I texted Jenni about walking, but she said it was too cold. I read e-mail for a bit then went walking around my block. It was pretty cold. Chris heated pulled beef and beans for supper. After eating, I read e-mail. I made tea and we watched an old Jimmy Stewart movie which was apparently the basis for Sleepless in Seattle. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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