Thursday, January 6, 2022

The NES consultation


When I woke up, my lips were much better. I credit the omega-3 patches I put on last night. My back hurt so I sat with a heating pad and read the book about Fauci. Then I made coffee and did my exercises. I did a lot of tapping, too. Then I started cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes. When Chris came home for lunch, I cleaned the bathrooms. After he left, I mopped the kitchen floor and hallway. I emptied the canister of the vacuum, then swept the den carpet.

I took a shower and got the bread machine started. I got on my computer for a consultation about the scan I did on Monday. Apparently it turned up a lot of information. I bundled up and went for a walk with Diane. We got caught by the 5pm music.

When I got home, I listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. I paused it to send Diane articles about things we talked over. I spend a lot of time looking for a video I watched yesterday, but I could not find it - not the original link, nor in my history file.

I made tea. I searched for the docking port for my headphones to recharge them. Chris helped me find it, then went back to his game. I broke down boxes until Chris was finished. We watched four episodes of Big Bang Theory, then I wrote my blog post for yesterday.

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