Monday, September 5, 2022

Disappointing batch of cheese


I got up around 9. I got dressed, then watered here and at garden. I pulled up two redbeets that were breaking through the top of the soil. I fixed a drip line, and covered peeking potatoes with dirt. When I got home, I replanted the red beets in the tower garden. I refilled mixes and spices. I picked dandelion and plantain for drying. Then I started making breakfast, just as Chris was preparing chicken for the oven.

I ate, then got dressed and took the trombone and snacks to church. I unpacked my trombone. Saronna came with her string bass. Michelle and her daughter came and then Chris arrived. His game got canceled because some people had other plans. The chaplain's assistant was on vacation, so he had a substitute. The substitute played the praise songs at the beginning of the service, but the words did not show on the screen, so no one sang. Then the chaplain gave his sermon. Afterward, we had communion. And then Saronna and I took requests for hymns. There were three requests so we played three hymns. After the service, I hugged Diane, then talked to Saronna about playing When the Saints Go Marching In. Then I realized everyone had left. Chris took my trombone home and I took the snacks and went home.

I read e-mail for awhile. I added milk to the fermenting liquid for LAB. Then I went to the gym for a workout. Diane and Jenni came, and we did stretches and some lifting. We left at 6 when the gym closed.

I ate a piece of chicken that Chris made. I put together a salad from stuff I picked. I brought in the dried herbs. I heated the goat milk for cheese. I read e-mail, and listened to podcasts. When I checked, the milk was not curdling well. I added lemon juice, and worked on my blog.

I made tea and played my trombone. We watched several episodes of Cheers. Chris went to bed, and I stayed up to finish the cheese and a podcast and start another one. When I realized it was after midnight, I went to bed.

* This is the fruit that is either a cantaloupe or a honeydew. *

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