Tuesday, September 13, 2022

My vacuum gets around


I brushed and swished, then got dressed. I watered the plants at home, then went to Amanda's house. I picked up the chairs and cleaning stuff she couldn't take. I didn't have room for my vacuum so I left it there. I went through her house and did some touch-up cleaning. There was dog hair higher on the walls than I could reach. The inspectors came and commented, but passed it.

The chaplain came by with a van. He took her, her kids and their suitcases back to his house. I looked for my keys and the vacuum. I only found the keys. I went home, and prepared to go to the garden. I potted a sweet potato sprout for Kincie. Then I went up the hill to her house. She was there with Amanda and her 7 kids whom her husband was going to drive to Salt Lake City to spend the night before leaving for Alaska.

The chaplain had returned the vacuum to Housing along with the carpet cleaner. I went to Housing to get my vacuum, and they said they hadn't seen Amanda so I texted her to see if she needed a ride to turn her keys into Housing. She said yes so I went back up there to get her. I drove her to Housing and then back to the chaplain's house.

Finally I went to the garden to fertilize with LAB. I found and picked a small sweet potato, and a green tomato that I hope will ripen later.

As I was nearing home, I saw Rebecca leaving my neighborhood. She wanted to drop by, so we went back to my house. I showed her all my plants and gave her some plus cuttings. Chris came home for lunch. Her son wanted to talk about his game and miniature soldiers. Chris showed off his little lead men. Then the boy asked about the trombone. So I let him play it. In 5 minutes he was playing jazz (so he said). It was chaotic, but he was a natural!

After they left, Chris left too. He said he was going on a helicopter ride, and no, I couldn't come along. I made and ate breakfast while looking at e-mail. I talked to Faye about my wrist. Then I went to the gym to meet the ladies for walking. v Michelle came in with my necklace, which she had gotten out of the sauna with a series of screwdrivers. Tonya was there and I asked her to help me at the swap shop later. Jenni came after school. We started walking and then Rebecca and her son joined us. Jenni got tired and went home. Rebecca left, then Tonja went downstairs. Michelle and I walked a few more rounds, then went down. Tonja and I went to the swap shop to carry in Amanda's stuff from my trunk.

When I got home, I ate some steak and read e-mail. There was an article on Screwthewho.com about the WHO asking for 90 second video submissions from the public on how they can prevent the next pandemic.

Chris came home 15 minutes late from work. He told me how he was going to be late every day this week. I reminded him of the community meeting and the game/trivia night. He was going to miss both. I watched videos on 9/11 showing how the buildings collapsed like buildings being demo'd, and other inconsistencies with the gov't narrative.

I jotted notes for my blog. I mowed the other side of the yard and anointed some gopher mounds with water. Then I put the mower away and made a salad. I heated tea and we watched episodes of Cheers. Later Chris went to bed and even later, I turned in.

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