Saturday, September 17, 2022

Eating our first potato


We got up late. I got dressed and went to the company house to get the sheets started. I noticed that the washer stuck on 'rinse'. I rebooted it and left the sheets to wash.

I went home, and watered the home plants w/ LAB. I filtered out the cheese from the whey. Then I went to the garden. I noted damage and checked the traps. I snuck potatoes here and there.

At home, I looked up what to do with green potatoes. Then I went back to the house. It had been more than 90 minutes, but the washer was not done. It was still rinsing.

I went home. I posted a pillowcase-making class to Facebook. I watched more videos. Chris and I discussed how to make a repellant out of green potatoes. When I went back to the house, the sheets were done. I put the sheets in dryer and brought the towels home to wash. I made breakfast, but ran out of daily doses of supplements.

I jotted notes on today's activities. I added things to the shopping list. I filled a bottle with tea, and we went to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's, Melanie's and Macey's. Chris took 2 gopher stakes back to Harbor Freight because they didn't work.

We came back, listening to the book on CD. We unloaded the groceries. I unlocked the swap shop by request. I read some e-mail, then changed into a suit and went to the pool. It was only slightly warmer than without the heater. Brrr! I swam for 55 minutes, then toweled off and went home.

I meant to go cleaning, but I was too tired. Chris cooked some shrimp for me. He chopped up some of our potatoes and diced them into tiny pieces so it cooked quickly. Yum! I picked greens and made a salad. I listened to interviews, and worked on my blog. Then we finished book on CD, and watched first two episodes of Knightrider.

We retired to our laptops. Chris went to bed after an hour or so. I was listening to an interview with Judy Mikovitz and it ended after midnight.

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