Saturday, September 24, 2022

Will the solar lamp keep mice away?


I got up about 8. I got dressed but it was too cold to go outside and water, so I cleaned in the kitchen and washed Tonja's bundt pan. Then I went to the house to clean. I did what I could, but needed Jamie to get the pads off the stairs before I could clean them. She was not feeling well.

Then I went to the garden to water and fertilize. The battery in the timer had stopped working so I went home for a fork and new batteries. I stopped by Tonja's house to drop off her pan, then went to the garden to replace the batteries and get the water going.

As I went home, I passed Revonna pushing a cart of belongings from her house to the one across the street. I unloaded my pickings, then drove over to help her. But she would not accept help. She showed me where the inspection team had failed to note lack of cleaning and improper workmanship.

I went home and started breakfast. Chris came home. I finished breakfast, and went to the new house to clean. It was dirtier than I thought. After 2 hrs, I went home. i put on my swim suit, and went to the pool. I spent an hour swimming, then went home feeling nauseous and lightheaded.

Chris helped me put on dry clothes. I ate supper, and watered plants. i put a solar light in the tower garden to keep mice away. I read articles and listened to a podcast. Then i made tea, and we watched one episode of Knightrider. We talked for a while, then went to bed. I got up later to turn the wi-fi off.

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