Friday, September 2, 2022

Just like Grandpappy used to have


I slept in late. I got up and dressed. I flattened a mound and picked some dandelion for drying. I mixed up some special fertilizer and watered the home plants. I swept the back porch and put the sweepings in a flower pot. I blended the small discarded hot peppers from the garden yesterday. I took the liquid back and spread it around the pepper plants. I fertilized the garden from the 5 gallon bucket there. I think the mystery vine is a cantaloupe.

I read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast, then watched The Highwire. I paused it when Chris came home for lunch. He moved the wires on the back of the router like always, but neither of us had connection. After eating lunch, he went back to work. I re-arranged the wires, but still did not have connection, so as a last resort, I plugged my computer into the modem.

I finished The Highwire. No one was available to walk at 3:30, so I didn't stop reading articles. I powdered some herbs and put them in labeled baggies for storage. I chose a jar opener for the sewing project. I sewed one up and took pics of it.

Chris came home from work. He got mad that I had rearranged the wires and not told him it didn't work. He rearranged them again, and then it worked. He looked at a plant for me and identified it as purple cabbage. He called to order pizza.

Then Michelle texted that she was ready to walk. So I drove over to her house. I paid her for the goat milk. We walked around the block and saw Chris go pick up his pizza. She and I chatted for a bit when I got back to her house.

Then I went home, but decided to stop at the swap shop. Tonja was there. I talked with her and picked out a few things. I found a metronome like Grandpappy had. Other people were there, left and then more people came. I went home.

I posted the sewing project to the Facebook page. I brought in my now dry dandelion and kale. I picked salad greens for supper. I worked on my blog, I made tea, and then we watched episodes of Cheers. Afterward, I read my book, dozing on and off. Finally I turned everything off and went to bed.

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