Tuesday, September 27, 2022

No singing today


Having gone to bed early, I woke up early, and cold. Chris pulled the covers over me and we snuggled back to sleep. I got up soon after my alarm went of at 7:30. It was 40 outside. I mixed up a batch of egg/flax muffins. I read some e-mail. I got a text that the service was canceled again because of heath issues. So I texted around that we could meet and sing hymns.

I watered the plants at home, then went to the garden to fertilize those and pick some of the green tomatoes that haven't been 'tasted' by pests. When I got home, I tasted a muffin. It was just ok. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then took his shower. Afterward, I took my shower. I made and ate breakfast. I took the muffins and my trombone to church. But it was empty (and unlocked).

I played the piano for a bit, then John showed up for the service. Then the chaplain's assistant came. The three of us talked for awhile and no one else came. The assistant left so I talked to John. Two hours later, we wrapped it up and went home.

I read articles until 5, then met Michelle at the gym. We did weights for almost an hour, then went to her house. We passed a family who just noticed the pear tree and was picking all the pears. I wanted to tell them to leave some for me since I am the one who fertilizes it.

I gave Michelle some muffins and chard. She gave me a jar of goat milk and two empty trays. I went home and got some eggs and went to one of my empty houses. I beat up the eggs and poured them in a pan and stuck it in the empty freezer. I also picked up a few cleaning things to use at the other house.

When I got home, I worked on my blog post. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Knight Rider. He made the bed and I worked on e-mail. Then we went to bed.

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