Sunday, September 25, 2022

Too tired to follow the plan


I got up at 8, having slept well. I went out to turn off the solar lamp. I still found half-eaten cherry tomatoes, but not sure if they were there yesterday. I read e-mail and articles, unlocked the swap shop and picked up the mail.

I pulled out some stuff to thaw for baking later. Then I made breakfast. I ate as I read articles, etc. I sat outside in the sun, then read some more. I ate some Kugelhopf, which made me lethargic, so I didn't go cleaning and then swimming, which was the plan.

Diane texted to see if I wanted to go walking. I decided to go because I wasn't getting anything else done. After we walked, I took Tonja home, then went to the house on Second street to clean. I clearly didn't bid enough on this house. It is so dark that it's easy to miss how dirty it is. I spent 2hr and 15 min, and wondered if the sticks in the back yard will be a problem come inspection day.

I came home for supper: leftovers and salad. I put the solar lamp on the blink setting and placed it in the tower garden. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Knight Rider. I dozed off several times during the second one, so then I just went to bed.

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