Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas and games


I got up around 8:30. Chris was already up and watching movies on his laptop with headphones. That was good because he couldn't hear me go in the kitchen. Otherwise, every time I go in the kitchen, he gets up and gets a drink, or whatever, and we have to share the space.

I brushed and swished. I read e-mail. I made a new batch of nasal rinse and forgot the baking soda/salt mix. Wow, did that sting! But I added a packet and tried again and it was fine. I cleaned my ears with hydrogen peroxide.

I went back to listening to interviews and Christmas music. I put on my boots and took the compost out. I watered it down with whey that had spoiled. I put some frozen whey in a bowl to thaw for bread.

Chris got the turkey off the back porch and put it in the oven. I watched videos about spawning mushrooms while the bread kneeded and rose. I rolled it into 4 ropes and braided them. It rose again while I heated the oven, then I baked it. I ate some turkey, then pulled the bread out to cool and melted butter over it.

Around 3, Michele and John called. They are visiting his sister. We had a nice chat. Chris made cranberry sauce. I washed up and got dressed. I took a braided bread from the fridge and we went to Michelle's house for Christmas dinner. Chris brought the cranberry sauce and Michelle put it in a dish.

We sat down to a dinner of ham, potatoes, salad, bread and cranberry sauce. It was very nice and we had a lovely conversation. After dinner, we played a computer game from long ago, called Rubik's Playground. Chris didn't participate. He fell asleep on the couch, then later went home. The rest of us took turns trying to get all the balls to roll into the portal.

It got to be 9pm. Faye called to wish me a Merry Christmas. I let Michelle take my turn while I talked. Faye said she got her cast off but can't go back to work just yet. We talked about presents, those we got and those we decided not to this year. Tired out, we both hung up.

Michelle gave me two plates of ham and bread and drove me home. I greeted Chris who was listening to a movie with headphones. Then I worked on my blog. We did not watch TV, and I read Telegram messages until bed time.

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