Sunday, December 25, 2022

Cleaning and shopping


I got up around 8, I think. I had slept well. I brushed and swished. I met Chris in the hallway. He had my phone so he could shut off the alarms as they rang. Apparently he woke up early. I turned on the router and hooked my laptop to it.

I read e-mail. There were lots of sales. Sigh. At 10 I put on my boots and went to the dirty house. I changed into my worst shoes, then cleaned walls and ceilings and cupboards for 2 hours. I found two piles of fluffy white stuff in the corners of the lazy susan cabinet. I hoped it wasn't insulation.

When I got home, I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. Then at 2, we got ready to go to Tooele. We stopped at the dispatch office to meet a lady who is making a quilt while she watches the monitors. We chatted for awhile. Then we headed to town, listening to our book on CD.

Once in town, we stopped at the bank, then went to Luckey's. From there, I walked to Melanie's. When I came out, we drove to Auto Zone for wd-40. (I read that spraying in on traps makes them more attractive to gophers.) Then we wrapped up our shopping at Macey's.

We were on our last CD, when we got back to base. We stopped at the commissary for some things that are cheaper there than in town. We ran into the colonel and he wanted to go to the swap shop. I had left it open for Jamie. We took our fruit and kombucha home and put it away, and the other groceries too. I ate the last persimmon, and read e-mail for awhile.

Then I got the roasting pan from the back porch and took some turkey out. After eating that, I made a salad. Chris watched a movie on his laptop. I called Jamie to see if she was done with the swap shop, but she didn't answer. So after watching a video, I went over there to lock it up.

Then I worked on my blog and heated tea. We watched three episodes of Jeannie. Then I got online to look up some of the guest stars, like Don Ho. I moved on to other searches, probably sewing ideas. Then I turned off the router and went to bed.

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