Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sewing class


I got up just before 8, having slept ok until being awakened at o'dark hundred when Chris got up. I brushed and swished. I got online. Chris took a shower and went to a meeting. I made a sample ornament for class. It was not as easy as I thought it would be and I had to stop to watch videos at times. Having unearthed my Christmas scraps, I looked for a scrrap ornament. I made one of those.

Chris came back from the office. I followed him into the bedroom and he gave me a coconut oil massage. Later I took a shower and got dressed. I made and ate breakfast. I got my sewing stuff together and Chris carried the machines out to the car.

We drove to the chapel. I opened the door and he carried the machines in. The table by the outlet was full of boxes of food. He moved the boxes to another table. Then I asked him to go to the post office to see if the new foot pedal had arrived. I started setting up and Tonja came in with her machine. Chris called to say there were no packages at the post office.

She and I finished setting up. She worked on previous sewing class projects in order to catch up. It was after two when Jenni and Isodora arrived. They did the folded fabric ornament, then Tonja made one. We might have finished before 4, but we sat around talking, then packed up. They helped me carry stuff to my car.

I went home to drop it all off. Then I went to the company house and checked each item in the fridge for Best By dates. I threw out everything labeled for 2021. And the dead mouse. When I got home, it was dark. I ate some leftovers from the fridge instead of snacking on nuts. We have a ton of leftovers. I watched sewing videos. One was on how to make plastic 'fabric' by ironing plastic bags. That turned into making 3-D solid objects with super glue and baking soda and graphite.

It was after 8 when I stopped the progression of videos and worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched Jeannie. I got sleepy, but got on my laptop to see who played Roger Healey. Then I read other things and went to bed around 11:30.

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