Friday, December 16, 2022

Stress management class


I got up at 7:40. It had taken a long time to get to sleep because Chris was breathing so noisily. I brushed and swished, then went out to the kitchen. I did some tapping for not wanting to work on the stocking. But I had to post before noon.

So I got out the fabrics, and checked the internet for patterns. I put one on a thumb drive and took it to the printer. There were only two ports and one had the mouse and the other had the printer. I unplugged the printer, inserted the thumbdrive, cued up the design to print, then exchanged the mouse cable for the printer cable. I never had to do that before and wondered how it was set up in the past.

I printed out the pattern in pieces and glued them together. I re-wrote the directions to make it a one-page thing. I cut out the two stocking halves, ironed stabilizer on, sewed them and turned them right side out. I cut out the cuff and some strips. I pinned the cuff and one loop of strip to the stocking and sewed it on. I pressed the final product, then laid it on the pile of fabrics and photographed it. I wrote the class announcement and attached the photo. After it posted, several people commented on it. One lady asked to bring her 5 yo. Sigh.

I had a few minutes to listen to Episode 11 from Brave while I made breakfast. I ate while listening to The Highwire. But all too soon, I had to get dressed, dig out my car and go to the community club for Diane's presentation on stress management.

It went ok. 20+ people came, which was more than signed up. There were technical issues with the microphone, TEAMS, her laptop and the slides. But she kept going. She called on me a number of times and I wanted to slink away. Chris came for a short while half way through. At one point my phone rang and I got stressed trying to locate it in my purse and shut it off.

It was over around 3. I asked if she wanted to walk, but she had to clean up. So I went home and texted to the group. But nobody was coming, so I went back to listening. I also ate cheese squares and fruit and nuts. Probably trying to make up for fasting yesterday.

As I was getting dressed for church, Chris came home with a pizza. He had a bite to eat and then drove me to the chapel. More people were there than usual, but mostly people who were participating and their families.

Michelle asked Chris to say the parts that the chaplain would have had. The chaplain was at the hospital with his wife. So Chris started the program, then Saronna and I played a piece. A man came in and sang acapella. A boy and a man, both with guitars played and tried to sing. A group of kids sang and took turns playing the piano. Saronna and I played again. A man sang a duet with his daughter. Then a boy sang with a guitar and a string bass. Michelle sang with the guitar player, but it did not go well. Kuddos to her for trying because it is very hard to sing when the melody is not being played.

Anyway, after the music program, people stood around talking and eating cookies. I spoke with Jenni and Saronna. Chris talked to some guys. Then we got in his car and went to the gym to pick up the guitar. The person who borrowed it had left it there. Then we went home.

I changed into my nightgown. I listened to more of The Highwire, then worked on my blog. I heated the tea and we watched several episodes of Jeannie. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish The Highwire. Their attorney was talking about all the FOIA cases they had won this past year and other cases against mandates.

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