Saturday, December 10, 2022

I would do wella to get to Tooele


I got up after 7:30. Chris was still asleep on the couch, so I proceeded quietly to do things in the kitchen. I read some e-mail, and took two supplements 30 minutes apart. I washed up and got dressed. Chris said he felt worse than yesterday and that I would have to drive myself to Tooele. I put gas from the gas cans in my car. One of the cans I needed Chris to figure out how to get the gas to go through the spout.

I packed some cheese squares and a bottle of water. I re-wrote the shopping list so I could easily read it. I scraped ice from my windshield. I found the key I meant to give to Christina. It was on the ground by the front door. Since there was snow on the road, I left before 10.

I don't have a CD player in my car so no book on CD. I sang Christmas songs to myself the whole way to town. I got to the dentist early. I had to wait a bit in the waiting room, then again in the chair. I turned down having x-rays unless they saw something to investigate. The dentist checked my teeth and said they were fine, just wear and tear. Later the hygienist came in and cleaned my teeth with a water jet. It felt like pressure washing. I joked that it came with a free facial as I wiped my face. She seemed to be on the same page of natural solutions as I am.

I paid the self-insured price so my 6-month visit will be free. Then I went to Luckey's to shop, then to Melanie's. I thought I would be picking up a 5-gallon bucket of coconut oil, but it hadn't come. But three bottles of salad dressing did. I got a few other things and paid cash.

I dropped the stuff in my trunk, having forgotten the cooler. I walked to Joanns, but the line discouraged me from getting fabric. There were no Christmas remnants. Then I walked to Cal Ranch, not sure what I wanted there. But when I saw the shoe section, I decided my shoes needed replacing. My feet were cold and a little wet. But they didn't have women's shoes, only boots. A lady tried to help me choose a pair, but I needed more time. (I hate shoe shopping). I tried on many pairs. I wanted a zip-up but they didn't have that. Finally I chose an 8.5 that cost $100. Yikes. But life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.

I checked out and drove to Macey's. My list was gone, but I think I remembered what was left. I checked out, put the food in the trunk and went to the $ store. That was fun, especially knowing that Chris wasn't waiting on me. I checked out there, too, and went home, eating cheese squares, then singing whatever songs I could remember.

I stopped at the post office on my way home. Chris went to bed, so I carried in all my purchases by myself. I put some of them away, but others would not fit. I read e-mail for awhile. When Chris got up, he put the rest in the fridge.

I put on my new boots and went to the commissary for pomegranates and kombucha. Chris wanted a chuck roast and limes. I also got persimmons. When I got back, I took scraps out to the compost pile, so happy to have warm, dry feet. I ate a pomegranate and Chris ate a lime. I looked for my Azure Standard order to double check the coconut oil, but it was nowhere to be found. There was a short reference to it in my blog, but no confirming e-mails.

I listened to an interview till 8, then worked on my blog. Chris decided he didn't feel like watching TV, so he went to sleep on the couch. That kept me from watching TV or playing my trombone. I tried to catch up on videos and articles. Then got ready for bed. I used a little of the DIY sleep cream. It might be helping.

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