Friday, December 9, 2022

LDS Christmas party


I got up after 7:30. I brushed and swished. I turned on my phone and responded to some e-mails. I started watering the plants and my phone rang. So I talked to Terri for some time. She wants to start an online Bible study with Jenni and me.

After hanging up, I saw Chris had texted me that he woke up with a sore throat and wanted to stay home tonight. Knowing that, I swabbed my ear canals with hydrogen peroxide. The one on the right, nearest Chris in bed, crackled a bit.

I finished watering the plants. I took out the recycling. I wrote a schedule for taking the new supplements and took the one called Liquid Light. I listened to Russel Brand while reading Telegram messages, then took Fog Cutter.

At 11:30, I took the apple pectin. Later I made breakfast and watched The Highwire while I ate. I took 'notes' with my camera. Del went to a lab to see for himself the unusual white clots embalmers are finding. He also allowed his blood to be taken and smeared on slides. Then drops of four different covid vaccines were dropped on those slides and he examined each one under the microscope. The changes caused to the blood cells looked bad.

At 3:30 I went walking with Michelle. We had a nice chat. While she stayed to talk to the gym staff, I went home and ate a salad with tuna on it. Then I washed up, and changed clothes. I tried on a few shirts before I was satisfied. I cleaned my slide and oiled it. I went to the LDS church, with ice on my windshield. The heater dissolved it on the way.

I parked and took my trombone in. Randy was at the door so we exchanged a few words. I went in the fellowship hall and saw Jenni. We found a table to sit at. A man made announcement and Deb said a prayer. People lined up at tables of food. I had already eaten so I did not go. But later I saw barbequed ribs on Jenni's plate. She encouraged me to get some for later, so I put some between two paper plates.

Then the music started. First up were the children. They sang, some played piano, or bells. Then the youth sang. Christina sang. There was a father/daughter duet. Did they save the best for last? Saronna and I played two hymns, and the program was over. Deb played piano as the entire group sang some Christmas carols. I got teary because there was an old man there who was thin, stooped, with black hair, and had no teeth. He reminded me of my dad.

I put away my trombone. Several people said nice things. Saronna and I discussed tutoring for her daughter. She liked the idea that her daughter would help me with housework as payment.

The ice had reformed on my windshield during the event. I drove very slowly back to post. When I got home, I carried in the trombone and the ribs. I started to teat the ribs, then offered Chris a bite. After I remembered he was sick, I ate from the other end, then let him have the rest. I made tea and we watched several episodes of Jeannie.

Then I played on my laptop, and listened to a song called “Fall on your sword Dr. Fauci”. I worked on my blog. I got sleepy and went to bed.

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