Saturday, December 3, 2022

Making my own version


I got up around 8. I brushed and swished. I rinsed my sinuses with citrus drops because my head has been itching again since I went into that dirty house. I dug out my car (it had snowed again) and went to the company house and saw that no one had been there. But there was a live mouse caught in a sticky trap.

When I got home, I found a new jug to put my homemade laundry detergent in because the old one had developed a leak. I saved the liquid from the bottom of the bag and got new bags to put the jug in.

Chris was getting calls and texts relevant to the suicide. I texted Diane and Michelle and Jenni. Jenni wanted to talk, so I called her. We talked about a number of other things, too.

Chris took a shower and went to the office. I read e-mail and fielded texts. I looked at versions of flower pot heaters and resolved to buy tea lights. I clipped the long sugar cane into 4 parts and put them all in off-gassed water. I changed the water in the rooting pots. I made and ate breakfast, refilling mixes as necessary. Chris came back from the office. When I finished eating, I addressed the grocery list. Then We packed the cooler and headed to Tooele, listening to the book on CD.

We shopped at the usual places. I went to Melanie's and told her about the ingredients in Somnium and how I wanted to make a cheaper version (2oz for $150). She helped me pick out alternate ingredients. After that we went to Macey's and then headed home.

After we put the food away, I sat down at my laptop with fruit. I listened to interviews and news clips while piecing puzzles. I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched like 4 episodes of I Dream of Jeannie. We both fell asleep during the last one. So when I woke to a silent TV, I got ready for bed slowly to not disturb the soporific feeling. I mixed together some of the stuff I bought today and dabbed it behind my ears. The particles from the GABA capsule were too big, like in facial scrub. Chris came to bed as well. It took me a long time to fall asleep.

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