Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Giving him the bad news


I got up after the second alarm. I brushed and swished. I made some tooth powder from hydroxyapatite, baking soda, mineral powder, and xylitol. I'll try it tomorrow. I got dressed. I listened to Mike Adams and a few others while piecing puzzles.

At 9:30 I went outside to dig out my car. The back half was solid ice, but the snow on the front brushed off easily. I listened for a few more minutes, then headed out. I went to the post office to get the mail and unlock the swap shop. Then I met Jamie at the dirty house.

He let us in and we looked around. There was a lot less stuff, but the floors were still full of dust and dirt and loose change. The toilet was not black but still stained. The tub had very yellow stains. And it smelled like cat. We talked to him a little, then went to the E building to talk to the COC. She recommended that we not sign for the house until it is empty, and that we require all the money in cash up front. We knew he didn't have enough.

Then I went to the swap shop to drop off the key with Christina. When I got home, I started making breakfast. Chris did not come home for lunch. After breakfast, I took some cleaners and went back to the dirty house. Jamie and the inspectors were there.

I let Jamie do the talking since she was willing to give him bad news, like we are charging him $2000 and he had to have the money in cash. The Housing guy backed her up, saying it was a requirement for the house to be empty. Jamie and I went upstairs to look at the tub again. It was black in one place and yellow in others. I sprayed it with cleaner to see if it would come off. It didn't. Jamie took me outside while the head of Housing stayed to talk to him, presumably about getting a money order from the post office so there would be funds for a signing tomorrow. The rest of us talked in the parking lot and agreed to come back at 8 tomorrow morning for the signing.

I went home to eat some fruit and get my trombone. I drove to Saronna's house and we played some Christmas carols, deciding on What Child is This for Thursday night. I got texts on my phone about the ladies not being able to walk today. So I went home and read e-mail and listened to the tail end of a discussion on Goldbacks. It's like paper money with gold in it, so not fiat currency.

The quilt guild Christmas party was at 5, but I didn't sign in to Zoom. I worked on completing a Swanson's order with a deadline. Then before 6, I bundled up and drove to the Community Club for a community meeting. It was in the ballroom, but few attended. We talked about Friendsgiving and Turkey Trot and the upcoming cookie swap. Then we just chatted.

After the meeting, Brian and Johnnie came over to say hi. They were having dinner with a new couple. I spoke to Rebecca, then went out to my car. It was snowing again and the windshield was icing up. I brushed it off and drove home.

I made and ate a salad while listening to a QnA. Chris texted me several times. I ate some frozen blueberries, then worked on my blog. Chris came home from the colonel's house. I made tea and we watched one episode of Jeannie. He went right to bed and I stayed up. Even after I went to bed, I was awake for a long time.

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