Friday, December 9, 2022

The freezer is here!


I got up soon after 7:30. I took 2 DGL. I brushed and swished with coconut oil. I set up the coffee pot, etc. I did my exercises and drybrushing. I read with the HappyLight and the PEMF mat.

I did rounds of tapping and meditating. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and started on the kitchen. I finished up the fermented nut cheese and put it in the fridge. Before I could clean the stove, Chris came home for lunch and started cooking something. Sigh. I vacuumed carpeted rooms and dust-mopped floors. I emptied the vacuum cup. I stripped the bed in the guest room. I wet mopped the kitchen floor, then took my shower and got dressed.

I opened the box Chris brought home from the post office. I wrote down a list of the new supplements and the directions for taking them. (Cyber Monday deals). I looked to see where they would fit in the schedule.

I went walking with the ladies. They all showed up today. I gave Michelle the small jar of fermented nut cheese. We all walked, but then Jenni, Diane and Tonja left. Michelle and I kept going for a bit. Then her kids called, so we went downstairs. She talked to the staff for awhile, then went in the weight room and set up the machines for me. I got started while she talked to Brittany. When I finished in that room, I went to the other weight room. Michelle came in to talk a little more, then went home. I finished my rounds, then drove home myself, in the falling snow.

Saronna sent a message that they were leaving Tooele with my freezer. So I went in the garage and moved a few more things. I tried to start the riding mower so I could drive it out of the way, but it would not start.

I put on the latest episode of Brave, all about covid. I turned on the outdoor lights. I hoped Randy could start the mower because I am not strong enough to move it. My back was a little sore from the gym so I sat with a heating pad. I worked on my blog. Chris came home from work. He tried to start the mower but decided the battery needed charging.

As I was listening to something, Saronna sent me a Facebook message. They had arrived! Chris opened the garage door. The mower was gone so he must have pushed it out. Randy backed into the driveway and as close to the garage as possible. Chris helped him carry the freezer to its spot and unboxed it. He said not to start it for two hours and to wipe it down with bakingsoda water to reduce frost.

After they left, we pushed the mower back into the garage and turned off the lights. I made tea and we watched episodes of Jeannie. I read e-mail for awhile, then went to bed.

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