Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Out with the old


I woke up hearing Chris in the shower. I got up around 8. I made a list of things to do, then started doing them. I wrote a check to the church. I watered the plants. I made up supplements. Finally I pricked my fingers for a blood spot test. But it was so hard to get blood out! It was so odd because last week, when I found a cut on my hand, it would not stop bleeding.

I got dressed, collected a few things, then headed out. I mailed the check at the post office, then went to the dirty house to clean. I worked mostly in the kitchen, and a little in the bathrooms. Stove, fridge, floors: I couldn't stop.

After 3 hours, I went home for breakfast. As I ate, I read e-mail. I went to the gym, and walked with Diane and Jenni. I gave Jenni some homemade chocolates for Christmas. Then I went to Saronna's house and picked up Sophia. We went to the company house and worked on her math for an hour. A man called me to get a quote for cleaning his apartment. Then we went through the cupboards and identified expired food which we threw out. No dead mice this time.

I took her home, then went home myself. I put the expired food in the trash can. I greeted Chris, then finished my grapefruit from breakfast. I made a salad and ate it while listening to a podcast. Then I read a docusign real estate file and signed it. I wanted to use my trackpad, but it wasn't cooperating well enough. So I photographed my signature and used that.

I worked on my blog, then made tea. We watched episodes of Jeannie. I got very sleepy, so I closed my eyes and walked slowly to the bedroom and laid down. Chris turned on the air purifier and left the room. I guess he got on his laptop, then slept in the livingroom.

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