Monday, December 19, 2022

Hymn sing


I got up around 8, not having slept well because my back hurt. I brushed and swished. I opened the package from the mail yesterday. It was mineral toothpaste and a tongue scraper. Chris rubbed my back with arnica spray. I watered the plants. I planted two things that had rooted. I finished reading my book while sitting against the PEMF mat.

I whipped up cheese squares and put them in the oven. I read e-mail for a bit, then mixed up a batch of seed crackers. I put them in when the cheese came out. I read for half an hour, then checked on the crackers. I reset the timer and the oven in case it had gotten messed up. The oven showed as starting at 180. Shouldn't it have been 275, like for the last 30 minutes?

I read e-mail while the baking proceeded. When I took the crackers out, Chris put in a turkey. I made breakfast and ate while listening to a bonus episode. Then I got dressed, filled a container with cheese squares and went to chapel.

After I walked in, I left the cheese squares on the back table. I unpacked my trombone and left it up front. I talked to Rick and others as they came in. Later Diane said a prayer, and then the bishop's wife went to the piano as Saronna and I took our places at the music stand in the center. People suggested hymns and we played for over half an hour. For Silent Night, the piano player had Moira come up and sing in sign language. Diane recorded that and (I found out later) posted it to the Dugway chapel page.

After the singing, we had cheese snacks and conversed. Then I went home. I checked e-mail. I listened to bonus episodes. Chris pulled the turkey from the oven. He brought frozen innards from a pot on the back porch and put them on the stove to cook. We got on Discord to play the family DnD game. I began to smell smoke. It was the water boiling away from the innards. I shut the gas off. Chris added water to the pan. We brought the air purifier into the kitchen. But it was quite a while before I could breath normally. And the roar of the motor interfered with listening to the others in the game.

This week, we put some ghosts to rest. We found another who was the wife of the warden and died of smoke inhalation in the fire. She was worried about her husband and told us where to look for necromancy weapons. We found them and divied them up. Then the game ended due to the time. I read some Telegram messages. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched episodes of Jeannie. We both played on our laptops, then he went to bed in the living room. I stayed up too late and went to bed after midnight.

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