Saturday, January 21, 2023

Annnnnd, we're done with cats


I got up after 8. I brushed and swished. I tried on my dress for the 'awards ceremony' (because we can't have a ball). It seemed to fit. I watered the plants. I read e-mail for a while, then went to the apartment to clean.

It was cold and I turned on the heat. I brought back the little black rectangle that I thought was a timer, but it tells the time and temp inside and out. At my house, there was no outside temp showing, but at the apartment, there was. So somewhere there is a sensor, but I couldn't find it.

I spent an hour on walls and the blinds. Then I went home to ask Chris about the cats. He said they needed feeding. But when I got to the colonel's house, I could see someone had been there. I called Chris and he said to feed the cats, so I went in. There was no one there, and no cats. So I guess we're done with that.

I went home, then made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail and watching sewing videos. I made notes by taking pics. Around 2, we went to Tooele for the usual stuff. I went to Melanie's and spent some time talking to the ladies there. We got groceries and headed home. On the way, we listened to the book on CD. It was a continuation of a book from several books ago.

We stopped at the post office, then went home and put the food away and made supper. I had beef, pickled garlic and a salad. I continued watching sewing videos. Michelle started texting me, offering to let me come over and play the Rubik's game. So after finished my blog post, I kissed Chris and left.

It was close to single digits outside. When I arrived, the game was already on TV. I had brought the solution as a pic on my phone. Michelle helped me apply the text to the location of balls on the screen. And like magic, all the balls rolled to the exit. Beautiful!

So I played for several hours. Both Michelle and Casey joined in making suggestions. My watch lost time, and I was surprised to find it was after 11. Yikes! So I said my goodbyes, and headed home. I think it was 8 degrees out. Brr!

When I got home, Chris was just finishing up a movie on his laptop. I got ready for bed. He opened the cabinet doors under all the sinks to prevent freezing. I turned off the router and did my yoga stretches. Then I slipped into bed and settled in for sleep.

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