Saturday, January 28, 2023

Green jello?


I got up around 9, not having slept well. Too many hot flashes. I brushed and swished and drank hydrogen water. I watered the plants. I read a little e-mail, posted an ICE comment for yesterday, then got dressed and went to the apartment to clean.

I started on the kitchen cabinets. I soaked the filters in ammonia water. I scrubbed at tiny grease spots on the walls. Jamie stopped by. She looked around and we chatted. But she had to get back to her daughter. After she left, I threw out the food in the fridge. It was all dated 2021 and 2022. I washed the shelves in the fridge. They looked like green jello had exploded and dried.

At noon I went home. I left the apartment key out so Jamie could get it if she wanted to clean while we were gone. I made and ate breakfast while Chris went to the office to do his sit-rep. He came back about 2.

We bundled up and headed to Tooele. Finally the temp got above freezing, which it hasn't done since last week. Chris timed our travel from the front gate to the near edge of Tooele for work purposes. We shopped at Luckeys, then I walked to Melanie's, Joann's, and Cal Ranch. Then we went to Macey's and headed home. We listened to the book on CD.

Chris had already been to the post office, so we went straight home. While he put the food away, I went to the commissary to pick up a few things that are cheaper there. I ran into some people I know so I chatted with them. Eventually I checked out and came home.

Chris helped me put away the food. He had roasted our home-grown small potatoes, so I had some of that and some pineapple. Not THE pineapple. Jenni called from Tooele just to talk. And she was well on her way to talking all the way back, when I told her I needed to hang up and eat. So she hung up and I had some steak and garlic. And I worked on my blog.

I filled a kombucha bottle with tea and went to Michelle's house. Her husband had the Rubik's game loaded on the big TV. Cedric was trying to play it and not succeeding. So he turned it over to me. My luck wasn't much better. I skipped that one and tried others. I had at least 2 successes. Windows went down and had to be rebooted. So I chatted with Michelle. Then I played around with a real puzzler until 11, and called it quits.

Michelle had made hundreds of cookies and printed a paper about church options to go with them. We made plans to deliver them tomorrow. Then I headed home. When I arrived, Chris was still up. I decided not to get on my laptop, but to go straight to bed, so that is what we did.

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