Monday, January 16, 2023

"No chaplain" does not equal "no church"


I woke up in the middle of the night hearing Chris retching in the bathroom. I tried to go back to sleep but then RLS kicked in. I didn't recognize it right away. So it was a while before I got up and drank some tonic water. And it was gone!

We slept late. I was surprised to see it was nearly 10:30 when I got up. I drank hydrogen water and saved a little to brush my teeth with. Chris said he thought it was the turkey that bothered him, even though he said it smelled and tasted fine.

Women should fast during the estrogen phase of their cycle, not the progesterone phase. Fasted snack: full fat (if it doesn't raise your blood sugar) like avocado, nut butter. Break the fast with protein to build muscle.

I worked on my blog which I had written yesterday but forgot to post. I posted, amid texts from Michelle and Saronna trying to put together a service for today. There was no announcement from SGT King but he had told Michelle days ago that there would not be a chaplain this week. Saronna agreed to say a few words.

I made and ate breakfast while finishing a podcast. Chris was not feeling well and did not play his afternoon game. I put some seed crackers in a container. I got dressed for church, took my trombone and drove to the chapel. Michelle was already inside, playing the piano. We talked until Saronna and Isadora came in. Then the four of us talked.

For the service, Isodora said the prayer. Michelle played piano to my trombone for a hymn. Then Saronna read a scripture and talked about her experiences. We played another hymn and I said the closing prayer. Then we sat around and talked until almost 2, agreeing to do this again each time there is no chaplain available.

I went home and brought my trombone inside. Chris reminded me of the cats, so I went up the hill to feed them and take care of their other needs. They had not finished their wet food. I threw out the unfinished part and gave them the usual quarter of a can. I noted the flavor and resolved not to give them that one again. When I got home, I changed my clothes. I snacked while reading e-mail. Then I ate the last of the beef. Chris signed into the game, then Becca did. So I did, and we waited for the others.

When the game started, we were in the middle of a fight with animated skeletons and a stirge, which was sucking blood from Vaunea (Michele). Berian (James) was on the floor, like in a coma with ghostly chains around his legs. We fought and eventually I was able to trap the ghost holding Berian. The stirge would not die, even though we each attacked it over and over. Finally it limped away. Then we prepared to bed down for the night and recoup our powers.

I worked on my blog post, making notes for today and posting for Saturday. I listened to a podcast while checking e-mail. Then I made tea and we watched episodes of Jeannie, still season 4. Afterward, Chris went to bed and I stayed up to catch up on e-mail.

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