Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Finishing the puzzle


I got up late after not having slept very well. I had RLS again and this time tonic water did not stop it. MP3 headphones helped. I got up around 8:30. I drank hydrogen water and poured some on a plant. I brushed and swished and all the usual. I read e-mail, then put on a podcast. I looked up ways to activate the vagus nerve and made a list. I also went through my collection of such things.

At 11, I went to the apartment to clean. I applied hydrogen peroxide, Dawn and baking soda to to the wall, and filled the sink with hot soapy water to wash the bins of the fridge. Then Jamie showed up with her daughter. While Jamie cleaned the bathroom for an hour, I talked to her daughter about ways to help curb a panic attack. And she told me all about the games she plays and her surgeries.

At 12:15, we all left. I went home to make breakfast. I ran out of supplement doses. I read e-mail for a bit, then put on a podcast and worked on the puzzle from Game Night. It was after 3:30 when I left for the gym. I put a check in the mail. I met Jenni and we talked as we walked. After walking, I went back to the apartment to finish the fridge. It made a wet mess because the sink was so small.

After 45 mins, I went home. I went back to piecing the puzzle. Chris came home from work and put sirloins in the oven. When they were done, we ate them with rice and salad. I finished the puzzle. Then I looked at sewing videos, before working on my blog.

I made tea and we watched episodes of Jeannie. Chris went to bed and I stayed up later, but not as late as usual.

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