Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Quilt Guild


I brushed and swished. I watered a few plants. I put the cleaning contracts in order by date and set aside some blank ones for the next signing. I counted the change found at the dirty house: $10.71, and that was just my half. It was pretty filthy.

I read e-mail, then put on an interview while I cheesed the goat milk. I put some in Michelle's container and kept some for me. I made and ate breakfast. I grated the red off of a pomegranate and ate the arils. Chris came home from work and reminded me about the cats. I resisted going out because of all the snow and cold weather. He also brought a dozen eggs which were for Ravonna but she didn't want more eggs.

After 2, I went up the hill to feed the cats, rake their litter boxes, and play with them. Then I headed to the apartment. I cleaned for about an hour, noting a few things I wished I had brought. Then I went to the gym to meet Michelle. I gave her the goat cheese. We walked the track. Jenni joined us and told us all about her experiences at school.

When I got home, I pulled out some beef for supper. I sat down at my laptop to get on Zoom for the quilt guild meeting. For the program, the program person had breakout rooms where we discussed in small groups our goals for the year. She popped in and out to monitor what was being said. Then we got back together as a group, finished the meeting, had sew-n-tell, then chit chat until people had to go. It took almost 2 hours.

I made a salad, then Chris came in the kitchen to have a heart-to-heart. That lasted over an hour. Finally I got to sit down and write my blog post. I made tea and we watched Jeannie.

Then Chris and I went back to our laptops. Later he went to bed. I listened to part of a podcast, but it went late. I dumped the change in a tub with water and a bit of ammonia to soak overnight. Then I went to bed as well.

* This respresents Braille *

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