Sunday, January 29, 2023

Preparing for taxes


I got up before 9, having awakened often during the night and not knowing why. I drank hydrogen water, then spent quite a bit of time figuring out what I earned last year in cleaning and inheriting and cat sitting. I went through contracts, envelops, blog entries, etc. I called Faye and Kurt. Finally I handed Chris a list that might have been complete.

He gave me a coconut oil massage, then took a shower. When he was done, I took my shower. He got the laundry started. I whipped up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. Then I made breakfast and ate it while looking at e-mail. I worked on collating my contracts and envelops to make a better system for next year. In response to a text, I walked to the swap shop and unlocked it. I also collected our mail, which wasn't much.

Michelle picked me up. We went to the barracks to deliver the cookies she had made to the visiting soldiers. I believe they are the Utah National Guard. But we couldn't find them. We had to ask around and finally someone told us they would put out the word if we left the cookies in the dining facility. So we left three containers of cookies on a table with signs about the church services tomorrow and Wednesday.

Michelle took me by the swap shop and I locked it. Then she took me home. She showed me a website on her phone where she intends to take certification courses. I went inside and she left. Chris was roasting squash. He heated some beef for me. When it was done, I added some of the tiny potatoes that I grew this summer. Then I crushed some pickled garlic and fresh garlic. I ate it after 10 minutes, along with some tomatoes.

I read e-mail and listened to short videos. Then I worked on my blog and heated tea. Reading what I wrote yesterday, I realized I had left aluminum filters soaking in ammonia water at the apartment. So I quickly threw on my coat and went over there to rescue them. But they didn't need rescuing because all the water had seeped out of the sink. And the filters were still covered in grease. So I filled the other side of the sink with hot ammonia water, put the filters in, and left.

When I got home, I apologized to Chris, who was sitting in front of the TV. On the screen it said “About Time”. That was funny, and also the title of the Netflix movie that came in the mail. We really liked it and I realized I had seen it before, although he hadn't.

It ended about 11. I read e-mail, waiting for him to signal it was time to dress the bed with clean sheets. But he did it himself and turned in. When I realized that, I shut off my laptop and went through my nightly routine, then went to bed.

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