Friday, January 13, 2023

Missed the notary by that much


I got up around 7, couldn't sleep. I did the usual, then read a bit of e-mail before grabbing a cleaning contract and envelop and going to apt 212. The inspectors were already there, taking pics. I filled out the contract and got people to sign. Pictures were taken of the cash, then I put it in an envelop with the key. I locked up after everyone left.

I went to the library to drop off a book on CD and to pick up the next (and last) season of Jeannie. I gave Melissa a solar keychain. Then I went to the post office to talk to the post master about the chaplain's mail. He put a vacation hold on it until they get a forwarding address. I turned in the mail from yesterday and the keys. I went home and texted to the chaplain about the postmaster's instructions.

I put cleaning rags in the washer. The maintenance people came to replace batteries in the smoke detectors and check the appliances. The man fixed the door to the garage and the back sink stopper. We chatted about the gov't wanting to ban gas stoves. He agreed to call me when he went to the Mommy and Me room to do maintenance so I could come and wipe the fingerprints off of the door. He went walking around the outside of the house, then came back to tell me the water heater was leaking and they would replace it. Sigh.

I put the cleaning rags in the dryer and put my coat and microfiber cloths in the washer. I listened to Ruby's podcast and Polly and Mary. Then I started making breakfast and put on The Highwire. I snacked as it ran. I put the coat and stuff in the dryer. I went through my blo posts to see how many hours I spent on the dirty house. Around 31.

I went to feed the cats. Then on the way back, I stopped at the not-so-dirty house to pull the empty trash cans into the garage. I texted Michelle from there and went to the gym to meet her. We walked the track for almost an hour while she talked.

It was 4:30 when I headed home. I put a bowl with the last of the turkey soup in the toaster oven. I put some things for Revonna in my purse and went to headquarters. But she wasn't there because Chris gave everybody 59 minutes off. (No one gave ME 59 minutes off). Chris and Brian were talking on their way out. I told them my idea for posting poll questions to the Dugway page, and then using the info for a Family Feud-type game at either Game Night or at the Townhall.

Chris went to the club for his weekly pizza and I went home to rescue my bowl of soup. After eating, I took a few trinkets and went to the swap shop. I talked to Tonja who was having a slow night. We talked about future sewing projects that would require people to get a clothing item from the swap shop to upcycle.

At 7 she closed the shop and we went home. I told Chris about the maintenance visit today. I ate an avocado and watched a podcast. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched Jeannie. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read the documents that needed to be notarized. I looked up notaries in Tooele. I was surprised to see online notarizing - not cheap. There was a UPS store by Melanie's that would notarize it and send it if necessary. I was able to make an appointment online, even at midnight. Then I went to bed.

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