Tuesday, January 17, 2023

We are a two-car family again


I got up just before 8:30. I had gone to bed feeling nauseous, but woke up feeling fine. I drank hydrogen water, then brushed and swished. I read e-mail. Chris reminded me of the cats, so I dug out my car (it snowed overnight) and went up the hill. The cats were glad to see me. One set of cat dishes still had food so I wondered if that cat was feeling well. Also, one of the litter boxes had very little to scoop. Hmm. But no throw-up anywhere.

When I got back, I took a supplement, then read e-mail and Telegram messages. I made and ate breakfast. I kept reading messages and articles. I watched sewing videos looking for a good class project. It made me sleepy so I sat in the lounger and fell asleep, woke up and read from a book, then fell asleep again.

I heard Chris answer a phone call. I guessed that it was from the colonel. Then I realized it was 3:30. I jumped up and put on my coat and headed to the gym. Diane and Michelle were there waiting for Dispatch to unlock the door. Michelle gave each of us a tupperware container with a piece of cashew cheese cake (non-dairy). We put ours in our car. Then the guy unlocked the door so we went in and walked the track. Diane was so excited about her upcoming trip to Israel and told us all about it.

After 4 we quit and I went home to meet Chris. We got in my car and headed to Tooele. But he decided the pass was too dangerous so he turned around and we went to I-80. We listened to a CD on my little CD player. Precipitation was making everything slick. When we got to the dealership, Chris told me I could go home, but I told him I was going through the pass because it was the only way I knew. So he had me wait until he paid for his car (over $1000), then I followed him home the other way.

Once we made the last turn before Dugway, I pulled over to put new batteries in my CD player. Chris came back to see what was wrong, but I told him to go ahead, that I knew the way from here. So he did. And I never caught up with him. I ran into someone going below the speed limit and was stuck from then on. Visibility wasn't good enough to allow for passing.

However, when I finally got through the gate, the guard told me he had stopped Chris for a random security check. Ha, ha. So I got to the house not long after he did. He pulled a roast out of the oven. We ate that, and I made a salad. Then I ate the 'cheesecake' made of cashews and gave Chris a bite. It was quite good. I watched more scrappy sewing videos as I ate. Then I worked on my blog post.

I heated tea. We watched several episodes of Jeannie. Chris went to bed right after that. I stayed up to listen to a podcast.

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