Thursday, November 23, 2023

An afternoon with Gwenda


I got up around 7:30. I did the usual prep for coffee morning, but in a bit of a hurry. I watered the plants and finished my book while waiting for supplements to kick in. I meditated and tapped. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and took a shower. When I got out, Chris was home. I quickly dressed and poured a bottle of water for the trip.

We stopped at the library so I could return the book and get the next one. But they didn't have the next one so I got a different one. Then we went to Michelle's house and they followed us off base.

We drove for over an hour to the airport park-and-wait lot. Gwenda and I texted each other until they found us. Then we split up. The women got in Michelle's van and the men drove to Hill Air Force base in tandem to see the airplane museum.

We women went to several thrift shops, including one that only had tabletop bins. The ones in the middle of the room held clothing and the ones around the walls had shoes, purses, and other non-clothing stuff. I found a muffin pan. Ashton found boots. Gwenda found a book. Michelle and Isadora had gone to Cosco while we shopped.

The merchandise was not sorted or tagged. It was sold by the pound. Dozens of people (college students?) pawed through the bins or huddled with shopping carts in corners or along a long wall. They had the feel of street people.

But then, workers came out to roll all the clothing carts away to the back. Everyone came to attention and crowded near. The workers came back with 'new' carts and parked them in the middle of the store. Then the people dived in, like locusts, looking for I-don't-know-what. But it was surreal!

We three checked out and stood talking in the parking lot until Michelle came back. I texted back and forth to set up a quote and sign-over with someone who wants their house cleaned after they move. Never a dull moment.

We hit one more store after that and then headed toward the museum. But by the time we got there, the men had gone to a nearby burger joint. So we met them in the parking lot. Then we all got out and said our good byes and gave hugs. The Wagner's headed to their air Bnb to meet Cassie and husband. Michelle and her family headed back to Dugway. Chris let me stop at the $ store to look for craft stuff, but they didn't have it. I walked to a grocery store to use their restroom, then we headed back to base.

It was dark when we arrived. Chris pulled bacon out of the oven. It was still ok. I read e-mail, then worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched Psych. Afterward Chris went to bed and I stayed up to catch up on e-mail (as if that were possible).

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