Saturday, November 4, 2023

Fire in Tooele


Chris woke me up at 8. I got dressed and brushed. I rinsed the sprouts. I watered the cold frame. I sharpened 4 pencils and found some blank scrap paper. I copied pages from a Christmas song book. I took the pages, tape, pencils and paper, and my sewing notions bag and went to the chapel I unlocked the doors and set up for math, then set up for sewing. Casey arrived with his kids. He set up a hotspot for them. I set up the ironing board and a sewing machine. I laid out the panel that the chaplain's wife had given me. I cut it in half lengthwise then measured the length and shortened it. I hemmed all the raw edges.

After 10, Casey took his kids home. No one had come for math help. I stayed to finish, then left the sewing stuff set up for tomorrow, and went home. That was around 11. I checked e-mail for a bit then finished making the breakfast mix. Then I used it for making breakfast. I also made tea and read e-mail as I ate.

Chris came home from the office. I am not sure why he went, but he had to deal with a power glitch later. I finished up and poured a bottle of water for the trip. He packed the cooler and we went to Tooele.

As we approached town, there was a huge black plume. When we got to the main street, we could tell it was ahead on the left, so not the grocery stores. His phone rang and the caller was asking permission to send extra firefighters and EMS from Dugway to assist at the car dealership.

Traffic was all backed up so we took a back street to Luckey's. We got a jicama there, then I walked to Melanie's for coconut flakes. She had a BOGO free sale so I bought some other things too. They talked about a semi truck running into the car lot building. 15 cars involved. When I finished shopping there, I went to Joann for another minki blanket with my 40% off coupon. When I got back to the car, we headed to Macey's and Chris told me about the truck. We shopped at Macey's and headed home, the back way. He got a call saying Dugway help wasn't needed after all.

When we got back, we stopped at the commissary for a few last things. I talked to Michaela about her program to deliver baked goods to first responders. I offered to make banana oatmeal cookies. We came home and unpacked the groceries. I got online to check e-mail and Facebook. Chris went to ACS to talk gaming with some guys.

I got ready, watered the tower garden, then took the water container and went to Michelle's house for game night. When I got there, the kids were in bed and the game on TV. I knew what I wanted to do and I had pics of what it should look like, but I was missing something. I went back and forth, up and down, trying to burst the bubble to shock the plant and free the bird. I kept finding myself going back the way I came. Finally I had to ask Michelle to call up the walk-through on her phone. A small shift in flower focus, and the bubble burst. I had everything else set up so I went 'down' to the large lotus. I triggered the release of spores from insdie, and the bird came and got the lotus (and me) and took it to its nest. From there I was able to get to the linking book back to the tusk island.

And then it was 11pm. So I thanked them and headed home. Driving after the game is always a little sureal. Chris was in bed when I got there, so I turned off the router and did my stretches, then joined him.

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