Monday, December 5, 2011

And then it rained

I got up after Chris left, but laid back down again when I saw how cloudy it was. I forced myself to get back up. I ate breakfast and checked e-mail. I saw an e-mail from Ebay telling me I had won a auction for a train. I passed that message on to the real winner. I got a call from the storage delivery people saying that they would deliver our goods stored in Fayetteville tomorrow morning. I left around 10 to go to the thrift shop that was selling the blue couch. Since there was no price on the couch and the young man had given me a verbal one, I looked for him this morning. But there was a lady sitting behind the counter. So I explained the situation and she said it sounded like Larry. A guy came out pushing a cart of items for sale. She said "Was it him?" I said yes, but he looked all innocent and said it wasn't him. At first I believed him, but soon I recognized his sense of humor which was not to be hidden. He wrote up a delivery ticket and she rang up the sofa and delivery price. I paid in cash. She gave me a 'sold' sign to put on it. Then I went back to base without stopping to see if there was anything else tempting to buy there. I called the man who was going to sell me the sofa from the estate sale to tell him that I bought something else. I started making a Christmas ornament for the exchange tomorrow night. I called Chris to see if he had any glue at work. Nope, but he was coming home for lunch. I went outside to read e-mail. There was no sunshine to sit in, but there was day light and it was just warm enough to sit barefoot. After an hour I came in. I wanted to go for a walk, but decided to go shopping first. I had looked up recipes for homemade glue, but they all used ingredients that I did not have. I went to Kroger. I bought glue and fresh veggies. Then it began to rain. I don't think I have gotten the hang of adjusting the speed of the windshield wipers yet, but I did make it back. So much for going walking. I was also going to lay out the other rug to measure it, but that got canceled too. Here is a pic of the first rug. Ought to match the couch, right? I used the glue to finish the ornament. I processed more e-mail. My unread e-mail is now under 50. Yea! Chris came home from work. He put three more turkey burgers in the oven for me. He also put on our latest Netflix arrival - "Don Juan DeMarco". We watched that as we ate. Then Neverland came on. When the internet went down (probably because of the rain) we sat together on the couch. He rubbed my feet. But when Neverland ended, he soon went to bed. Now I must get some sleep so I can get up early to be at the rental house to let the delivery people in. I am excited to see stuff that I haven't seen in three years. I hope nothing is missing because I might not remember it if it was.

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