Sunday, December 4, 2011

An All-tuba Christmas concert

We slept in, 'cuddled', then ate breakfast. I took my shower, and was dressing when Chris took his. That is when the housekeeping staff came by. I did not hear her knock, and so she opened the door and poked her head in. Not dressed, I poked my head around the corner and told her we did not need anything today. She left, but evidently came back later 'cause there were fresh towels in the bathroom after church. We drove out to the small Lutheran church, and sat near the back, in the middle of a pew. I watched other people sit at the ends of the pews which forced later people to climb over them to sit in the unoccupied middles. The sermon was quite simple, we are sinners and the good news is that God sent his son to save us. A little too simple if you ask me. Haven't we heard this a thousand times? It reminded me of the advertisements on the internet: you have a problem and the good news is that we have the solution you need. Anyway, we had good conversations with people after church. Then we went back to the apartment, driving by the library and stopping at the post office to check our box for mail. We had whatever was in the fridge for lunch. I checked my e-mail. Then I took one of the rugs out of my car and spread it on the porch to air out. I also measured it: 65 x 94. I was supposed to meet Carla at 2:30. I left a little early and she was already there, waiting. She asked if I wanted to follow her or if she should ride with me since her car smells of smoke. Seemed better to take only one car, so she rode with me. She guided me downtown to the art center. The place she wanted me to turn was blocked so I had to pull back out into traffic. I was a little nervous driving downtown anyway, so when she had me pull into a parking lot where there wasn't much room to turn around, I let her drive. She found a bank lot to park in. We went inside. She met a classmate from her music class and he directed us to the room upstairs. It was beginning to fill with people. We found seats in the back and saved two for her classmate and his son. He and she had to take notes during the concert. I was very happy that I didn't. I remember having to do it when I was in music school. It ruined my ability to sit back and enjoy the music. The man sitting next to me pointed out the band director and said I should introduce myself if I wanted to find a group to play with. So I did. He, the director, plays trombone, too. The concert started at 3:30. I had never seen so many tubas in my life. All kinds of tubas and euphoniums, even one antique, over-the-shoulder sax horn. I had guessed it was a soprano tuba. It was interesting, to say the least, to hear them play the Carol of the Bells, and Sleigh Ride on nothing but tubas. After the concert Carla went to the restroom while I stood in the lobby. After a while the sax horn player came down and I got a closer look. Should have taken a pic. Then we went back to my car. I drove, and she directed. I dropped her off at her car and waited to see that it started. She invited me to another concert next week. I don't know if I will go because it was a little embarrassing when she whooped, hollered and whistled her appreciation at the concert. When I got back to the apt, Chris was watching an Indiana Jones marathon. So I sat down to watch, wishing there was something else to do. I should have tried sewing now that I have more lamps. Chris fixed me an organic turkey patty for supper, along with wild rice. I added some seaweed and kimchi to it. It was delicious. After a while, MaryAnn Skyped me. At Chris' request, I took the laptop in the bedroom. I talked to her, and her husband Bob. She said she missed Korea today. I'll bet it wasn't the weather. It was good to see her, but the sound quality was bad, and eventually the call dropped. When Chris came back for bed, I went out to the living room. I was watching a Youtube video on Essential Knowledge for Wall Street Protestors by David Icke. He painted a pretty bleak picture, but it seemed to fit our national predicament. Now that it is time for bed, I wish I had gotten more exercise today.

1 comment:

Gail said...

I LOVE TubaChristmas! I try to go every year!