Friday, March 16, 2012

Ate my weedies today

I started the day by listening to the morning mp3. I exercised on the rebounder (see pic) AND did two rounds of DDR. Then I had breakfast and scrubbed deck 'cause it was still wet. I went through some audios while cleaning the kitchen. I read outside until I thought the grass was dry, then mowed until mower ran out of juice, trying carefully to skirt the protruding tree roots. I practiced my trombone, and picked some flowers and greens for a late lunch, as a salad and as a green smoothie. I sewed downstairs while listening to Zorro on CD. Chris did not come home for supper. I was getting a headache so eventually I came up for something to eat. There was more e-mail to be dealt with. I had my inbox down to 17 before I went to visit my parents. It went up to 60 and now I have it back down to 21. I googled ways of preparing and eating dandelions. Apparently they are incredibly nutritious whether you eat them in a salad or drink the tea. There is also a poultice that is good for the skin (burns, age spots, etc). I wrote an e-mail to my sponsored child, and one as a reply to a Christmas card (no need to rush these things). I looked through the Heritage guild's member directory. Photos are included but there are no black women. None at the meeting either. Do they have a separate but equal guild? Rain started about 10:30. I closed some of the windows. I listened to the evening mp3. Chris came home at 11 from gaming with some new friends while I am posting to my blog.

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