Sunday, March 4, 2012

A lazy B5 Sunday

I awoke around 7 but there was no reason to get up so early, so I went back to bed. Chris was not feeling well, so there wasn't much point in staying in bed either. He got up and made his breakfast, then I made mine. I showered and dressed for church, but had lots of time left. I practiced the choral music, played my trombone, and read e-mail. I got to the church early. The choir director had some trombone music to show me for Easter. Then the choir practiced the music for today. I sat at the end of the front row on the far side. It allowed me easy access to walk up to the front for the choir number and to the side door for a quick exit. No sense in passing the peace and 'more'. I went home. Chris was on his laptop, not looking or sounding well. When I came in the door, I realized that I wasn't wearing my watch. I went in the back to change clothes. I checked for my watch at the head of the bed, but it wasn't there. When I came back out, the watch was on my wrist. The explanation is simple. I guess I knew this day was coming. Obviously the reality program is crashing. Must be a Micro-soft version.
I read e-mail for awhile, and watched all the remaining Quantum Jumping videos. Then we went to the grocery store. We bought a big pork roast which Chris put in the oven. We ate leftovers for lunch and then watched 4 episodes of B5. We had pork for supper. I also collected some wild violet blossoms and oxalis leaves for a green smoothie. After supper we watched all but the last episode of season 4 of B5. I know my brother Kurt is hoping we will still have them when he arrives later this month. He wants to watch them too.

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