Friday, March 30, 2012

Sitting all day logging quilts

First thing this morning, I wrote my blog post for yesterday. I forgot to exercise before having breakfast. It had rained overnight, so I took a break from weeding and mowing. After reading my e-mail, I started writing scripts to go with my quilt pics for the virtual presentation to SHQG in April. Steven Skype-texted me until Michele Skype-videod me. I did not know how to text him while she was talking. She had just gotten off of work (whoo-hoo, she has a job! I am so proud) and wanted to talk. She said she was tired, but she talked for an hour. When the connection dropped, I went back to writing and texting. I took a break just before lunch to jump on the rebounder. Later I took a break to practice my instrument. I remembered to call the moving and storage people about picking up the boxes. But they said it was Blue Sky that delivered the boxes. I called Blue Sky and they said they only take boxes on the day they deliver. Say what?!? They gave me a local number to call, but when I called it, they said it wasn't them and they did not want the boxes. So I went back to writing up my quilts. I was writing up quilt #19 when Chris came home. I was outside, sitting in the sun. I like sitting in the sun, but it makes the cursor on my screen almost impossible to see. I finished that one and came inside. I did one more to make an even 20. I wonder if that is enough or if I should do more. For supper I picked a bowl full of wild lettuce, chickweed and oxalis. I added a little spinach and salad dressing. I also took a few pics of the irises which are blooming now. That way I will know what color they are when it comes time to break up the rhyzomes. After that, I went down to clear my sewing room. I dealt with all the piles of fabric on the table except one. Then Chris came down and we watched "The Librarian: the Chalice of Judas". That was followed by two episodes of NCIS. We decided to call it a night because the guild is having a sewing day tomorrow at 9.

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