Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First day back

I heard Chris get ready for work this morning, but fell back asleep. When I awoke the sun was shining low in the sky. I fixed breakfast and ate it in front of my computer. I am way behind on e-mail after being away for 6 days. I listened to some of the audios while doing other things like brushing my teeth, tweezing, bathing and dressing. It was so nice outside that I wanted to go out, but it wasn't yet noon and I wanted to be out when the sun was high. So I read more e-mail, which meant that I heard my phone when it rang. First William called to see if we had hooked up the antenna yet. We had, and it gave us three channels. Then another lady called to ask about the dog Claire and I had found in February. She was very emotional, having lost her dog back in November. I sent her the pics I took and she thought one of them was her dog. I told her we had taken it to the animal control center. She hung up to go over there. Then I called Claire who was able to tell me that the dog was not neutered. So when the other lady called me back, I told her the dog we found was not neutered like hers. I was sorry I couldn't help her. I am sure the dogs were put to sleep, but if it was her dog, at least she would have closure. When I was done with all the phone calls, I went outside to rake. I raked up to the ditch in front of the magnolia tree and over by the pine trees. When I put up my rake I was surprised to discover that it was 4 pm and I still hadn't practiced my trombone or exercised. So I picked some greens for lunch, and after eating, played my instrument for a while. Chris came home and changed clothes. Then he asked me to cut his hair. He started the laundry and then went outside. I spent a few minutes jumping on my rebounder and then grabbed the hair cut kit to join him there. He asked for the half inch attachment. Sounded a little short to me, but I used it. Well, not in the front. I needed his bangs to be long so I could cover the parts with less hair. I mumbled things like "Oops, well it grew back last time, hope you don't have any important meetings this week, if I shave your head no one will ever know, ..." For his part, Chris did really well. Usually when both of my hands are busy cutting his hair, his hands get busy..., but today he kept them to himself. I always tell him not to mess with his barber. He ate supper, and I stayed outside to take a few pics of the flowers and to pull some weeds. Then I had supper, too. Then after a little more attention to e-mail, we went down to watch three episodes of B5. It is not even 10 yet, but Chris has gone to bed.
* The pink flowers in the pic are Oxalis. The stems and leaves are edible. The stems are really sour though, like biting into a lemon. *

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