Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bridal Shower

The only rooms heated in the house are the den and kitchen and bathrooms. My room was so cold that I had 4 blankets and 2 quilts on the bed. At 6:30 the alarm went off. I gave Mom a sponge bath and dressed her. Helped her with breakfast, and made my own. When she was ready, I took my own bath and dressed for church. I had time to write a list of things to remember to pack, and to start packing. We got to SS early. SS was very low-key, discussion-oriented. Dad leaves for choir. I take Mom in church, park her empty wheel chair out by the door. Faye comes in for the service. She held Mom upright during the hymns. The pastor's wife gave a talk about her trip to Haiti to train midwives. After the service, there was a bridal shower. There was a table full of presents and several tables of food: fruit, veggies, crackers, nuts and cheese. It was a beach theme because the wedding would take place on the beach. Afterwards, Mom, Dad, Faye and I went to the mall. Dad walked for an hour in the parking lot. Meanwhile Faye pushed Mom around the mall and I followed. We even went upstairs to walk. When Dad finished, we got Mom out of the chair and walked her around the mall twice. Then he bought a hoagie to take home for supper. Finally back at the house, I packed according to my list. Alfred arrived. He loaded the mower I bought yesterday in the truck. Dad and I brought out the rest of my stuff to load in the truck. I said goodbye to Mom and Dad. Al drove me back to his home. Chris and Larry had already returned and Chris already knew about the mower and was not happy. But he and Larry figured out how to get it in the trunk. He regained his equilibrium. Cecily cooked corned beef and cabbage for supper. We ate and talked. Then Cecily got Larry's bed ready. Then we all sat in the den to talk some more, telling army stories.

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