Friday, March 2, 2012

Tornado warnings

I listened to BWE mp3 on my ipod before getting up for breakfast. After breakfast, I called Bob to tell him we need the stove fixed by March 18th, and the bathroom sink is clogged. As I was reading e-mail, I remembered that I hadn't posted to my blog. While I was doing that, the tornado alert air sirens came on. I went outside to turn over the patio furniture so the wind wouldn't blow it away. I practiced my music for Sunday, then opened my trombone case to practice that. There was a piece of fuzz inside the case that I took to the garbage in the bathroom. Seeing the sink reminded me that I hadn't tried pouring draino, so I did that. Completely forgetting about the trombone, I scrubbed the deck while waiting for the draino to work. Bob calls back, says the landlord thinks he can fix the stove and will be here Wednesday morning. He also tells me the light fixture is spring loaded. After the call, I pour hot water down the drain and it drains much better. Then I go for a DDR workout. I did not like the music on the DDR disc from last time, so I load another one. But it doesn't work. The player treats it like a CD instead of a game. So I play a couple of runs on the disc that works. Then I went down to grab the 4' by 8' cutting mat and unroll it on pingpong table. I laid a couple of books to flatten it. When it lays flat, I can trim the purple quilt. I went to my sewing area to finish a donation quilt top that I started in November. But the table was full of scraps from the green and purple quilt and they distracted me. I heard knocking. When I went up to investigate, a box was waiting on the porch. I went back to sewing. Chris arrived home early. He opened the fixture and changed light bulb. Life is just not fair. I made two cups of tea, and we watched 4 episodes of Babylon 5. He fixed himself supper. I wasn't hungry. I saw Michele on skype so I called her. I showed her my problem with DDR and she said I was using the PS, not the PS2. We had a nice chat. She said she got Faye's package, but not to watch Event Horizon. Chris went to bed. I showed Michele the lightning show outside. After the call, I put sprouts in the blender and had a salad. I tried to watch BBT on CBS but the new episode was not up yet. I watched NCIS instead. And then CSI. While watching, I tried a little DIY guo sha. I came across it on the internet, and watched a Youtube video on it. It is supposed to raise stagnant blood to the surface which releases stress. It felt good at the time, but I don't feel anything now, except tired. I think I'll go to bed.
* I did not take any pics today, so here is one of the blue and white kaleidoscope laid on its background, but not finished yet. *

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