Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kaleidoscope made of leftovers

I woke up early, while Chris was in the shower. There was no sleeping through it or even pretending to sleep. If you have ever heard him blow his nose, you know what I mean. So I got up, posted to my blog, ate breakfast, and read e-mail. I went down to choose items for show-and-tell tonight, but worked on the wedges of leftovers because they were in the middle of the table, calling to me. While I was sewing, Bob called to say he wanted to come over and check out the drains. So I cleaned up the bathroom and straightened a few other places. I went back to sewing, this time listening to an audio. Bob arrived. I showed him how the drain backs up if you let the water run for 20 to 25 seconds. We tried to figure out where the pipes go and where the blockage might be. But what Bob really wanted was to move the boards on the porch. He does not want the owner to see that there is still a problem with the basement flooding. He and the owner are coming over tomorrow to fix the stove top. After Bob left, I packed my small suitcase and made a list of items to pack at the last minute (like my laptop and food). I finished sewing the wedges and made them into a circle. It did not lie flat at first, but I took in the last half of every other seam, and then it was fine. After I finished sewing, I did some raking in the front yard. Two more boxes of pinestraw and a drink can. I came in for another session of DDR and trombone practice. It was a little heavy on the DDR. I am really liking the exercise. I took the items for show-and-tell out to the car. Chris came home, but went back to work for something. I downloaded a pic and then packed the camera cable. I wrote a few notes for my blog. Soon I had to leave for quilt guild. I don't get out much because I always ask myself if wherever I want to go is worth 3.67 a gallon to get there. Usually the answer is 'no'. But I make an exception for guild. Deb brought a van-load of boxes of fabric that someone gave her. We all went through it, pulling out what appealed to us. She had hoped we'd take more. At show-and-tell I was impressed with the miniature stack-n-whack that Linda did. It was very well done, and used a small print. Now I want to do one. Kt did a demo of fun-n-done, a method for making and joining quilted blocks. We talked about making small quilts for the Alzheimer's initiative. Deb liked my leftover kaleidoscope so much that I gave it to her. After the meeting we helped Deb carry her fabric out to the car. I had a hard time finding my way off of UAH, but when I got to Sparkman, had no trouble getting home. Chris was home and reading e-mail. I had a bit of pork for supper. I cleared a few new e-mails, and watched an old episode of BBT. For some reason CBS never posted the most recent one. I went to ABC for the latest Castle episode, but it wasn't up yet either. So now we are turning in early. Tomorrow we have a long drive. Fortunately Chris thought to check out several books on tape.

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